The Passage List helps you to create lists of passages on a particular topic, word, or other collection of biblical references. This is an excellent tool for collecting verses you want to study further, and you can easily share your list with others, such as a small group Bible study. For example, you can build a list of verses to battle anxiety that can be easily studied in any translation or committed to memory. The Passage List tool also helps you transfer references from a resource, like a lexicon entry, so that you can study them further.
Note: Available in packages Starter and above.
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Create a List
You can create a Passage List in three different ways--from Search results, from any open resource containing biblical references, or from the Documents Menu.
From Search Results
You can generate a Passage List from any search containing biblical passages.
1. Run a search. For example, to create a Passage List of verses to combat anxiety, start with a Bible search for the phrase "do not fear". Run this search in Verbum.
2. Click the panel icon and select Save as Passage List. Verbum creates a new Passage List from your search results.
Note: Verbum automatically names the list after your search.
From Other Resources
Verbum recognizes biblical references in other resources and automatically generates a Passage List from a selected text, such as a lexicon or dictionary.
1. Highlight the section of text containing the Scriptures you want included in the Passage List.
2. Right-click to open the Context menu and click Selection in the left column.
3. Select Save as Passage List in the right column. Verbum creates a new Passage List from the references contained within your selection.
From the Documents Menu
Creating a Passage List from scratch allows you to individually select verses to build your list, and you can do this from the Documents menu:
1. Create a new list. Click the Documents icon and select New to view document options. Select Passage List from the drop down menu, and Verbum opens a panel with an untitled Passage List. Open a new Passage List in Verbum.
2. Name your list. Give it a descriptive name by clicking in the title field and entering a name for your list.
3. Select Bible version(s). Verbum defaults to your preferred Bible. To change the version or add other versions, enter the name(s) in the version box at the top of the Passage List.
Note: You can also enter a Collection in this field, such as Top Bibles or English Bibles.
4. Add passages to your list. Type the reference into the Passage List reference box and press Enter. The passage displays in the Bible version(s) you designated when you created the Passage List.
Note: You can add multiple references to your list in a single step by entering each reference separated by commas. (Learn more about Scripture reference abbreviations in Verbum).
Now that you have started your Passage List, continue reading to learn how to make changes to your list and use it in your study.
Edit a List
To open an existing list, open the Documents menu and select your Passage List from the right hand column.
Add Passages
You can add additional references to your Passage List in several ways:
- Scroll to the bottom of your Passage List and enter a reference in the Reference box.
- Click Add in the Passage List toolbar and enter a reference.
- Highlight a section from an open resource, such as a Bible, lexicon, or dictionary. Expand the Add dropdown menu and click ...selected text.
- Other options for adding verses include the ability to automatically add all the verses from another passage list, verses from a text file (such as .txt), or verses from the clipboard.
Pro tip: You can add verses from a web page or other document by selecting a portion of text and copying it. Then select Add...clipboard. Verbum recognizes the Scripture references and adds them to your Passage List.
- Right-click a reference in any resource and select Reference in the left column. Click Add to passage list in the right column and select the list you want to add the reference to.
Insert section headings
You can add headings to your Passage List to help you categorize the various verses on your list, such as “Consequences of anxiety. Right click a verse on your list and select Insert heading. Type your desired heading and press Enter. You can edit a section heading by clicking it or remove a heading by clicking the X to the right of the heading.
Rearrange passages
Click Sort to arrange your list in canonical order. (You may want to select this option after you add verses to your passage list.)
Note: If you have created duplicate entries in your Passage List, clicking Sort eliminates any duplicates.
Drag and drop passages to alter the order of the list.
Note: Select multiple verses on your list by selecting the first verse and holding Shift while selecting the last verse in the series you want to select. Hold Ctrl(Windows) or Cmd(Mac) to individually select multiple verses.
Remove passages
Click the X to the right of the verse you want to remove.
Merge Two Lists
When you merge two passage lists, Verbum creates a new list based on the criteria you select. The original lists remain unchanged.
1. Open one of the lists you want to merge.
2. Click Merge and select the Passage List to merge with your current list. Verbum provides different options to merge the lists.
Search a List
You can search for specific information in your Passage List, such as words, phrases, or other labelled data, such as verses where Jesus is the speaker.
1. Open a new search panel and select Bible.
2. Click the search range, scroll down and select your Passage List name from the available options.
3. Run your search. For example, to find verses where Jesus is the speaker, enter speaker:Jesus. Verbum displays matches for your search term(s) within your Passage List. (Learn more about searching in Verbum.)
Note: You can also launch a search from the Context menu and then adjust the range to your desired Passage List.
Memorize a List
Scripture memorization is a fundamental practice of spiritual maturity, and Verbum assists you with committing verses on your list to memory. Focusing on memorizing verses related to anxiety gives you the ability to combat temptations to sinful fear and worry.
1. Click Memorize to the right of your list name. Verbum displays your verses in context. The verses immediately before and after your verse appear in grey.
2. Select the mode. Click the hyperlinks to select options for memorizing your list.
Note: Selecting Practice starts with the displayed verse. Selecting Quiz starts with a random verse from your list.
3. Select a verse. In Practice mode, Verbum displays the first verse on your list. Click the triangle buttons in the upper right corner to navigate to a different verse on your list.
4. Practice memorizing. Click the Start practice button (or Start quiz). Verbum displays the verse with blanks. Type the words of the verse to advance to the next word/blank. You do not need to enter capital letters or punctuation marks.
Note: You may skip typing the displayed words by pressing the Tab key.
After you finish the verse, Verbum redisplays the verse with additional blanks. This process repeats with more blanks until you have entered the entire verse from memory. At the conclusion of each verse, Verbum displays your score.
Note: If you choose to hide all but the first letter in Practice mode, your score may not reflect accurately.
5. Click Exit practice (or Exit quiz) to return to the Memorize menu. Click List to return to your list.
Additional Passage List Uses
A Passage List helps you go deeper in your study in the following ways:
- View all the verses in your list in the Bible version by clicking Open all. Verbum opens the version and displays only the verses in the Passage List.
Note: If you selected multiple versions in your Passage List, such as Top Bibles or NIV, NASB, Verbum opens the list in the first version.
- View all of your passages in any Bible version by opening that version, clicking on the Visual Filters icon , and checking the box beside the name of your Passage List. Verbum displays only the verses from the Passage List in your open Bible.
- Systematically read, review, or study the passages in your list by creating a Reading Plan.
- Grow in your proficiency in the original languages by creating a Reading Plan of all the words in your list to assist with studying the original languages. Click the panel menu icon and select Save as Word List.
- Use your Passage List as the basis for teaching others by sending the verses to a new Homily document. This creates individual sections/slides for each passage on your list. Click the panel menu icon and select Save as Sermon.
- Share your Passage List with all users in the Verbum community or with a Faithlife group by clicking the Share button. Learn more about sharing documents in Verbum.
- Print your Passage List or export it for use in another application by clicking the panel menu icon and selecting Print/Export. Verbum opens a panel with print and export options.
Additional Resources
Open a new Passage List in Verbum
Verbum Help: Passage List