Bibliography documents make it easy to cite your research in sermons, papers, and publications. Create a bibliography to edit, annotate, and export citations to support your research.
Did you know? You can also export your Verbum library to a spreadsheet.
Note: This feature is available to all users.
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Create a Bibliography
- To begin, click Docs > New > Bibliography. (Click here to create a new bibliography in Verbum)
- Click within the Title field to name your bibliography.
- Set the bibliographic style by clicking on the style name at the top right of the bibliography screen.
- You can add an entry by dragging text from a resource into the Bibliography panel, or by clicking Add. A drop-down menu will appear.
Select the source for your citation. Verbum adds the resource into your bibliography document.- Selected text adds a citation for text that is currently selected in an open resource.
- All open resources adds citations for all of the resources currently open in Verbum.
- Another bibliography opens a list of saved bibliographies from which to add to the current bibliography.
- A clippings document brings up a list of saved clippings documents from which to add citations to the current bibliography.
- A collection brings up a list of saved collections from which to add citations to the current bibliography.
- Clipboard adds citation for the text copied to the clipboard.
- History brings up a list of recently viewed resources from which to add citations to the current bibliography.
Note: Use the drag-and-drop method to cite an article within a resource, such as an encyclopedia entry.
Format your Bibliography
To sort your bibliography entries, click Sort. This will order the resources by the author's surname.
You can add notes to a citation by clicking the entry, then typing in the text box that appears below it. You can format these notes using the toolbar above the bibliography.
Export your Bibliography
You can save all of the resources in your bibliography as a Collection. Click the bibliography more actions icon and select Save as Collection.
You can also generate a bibliography from a Collection by opening your collection, clicking the Collections more actions icon , and selecting Save As Bibliography.
To print your bibliography or export it to a range of file formats, click the bibliography more actions icon and select Print/Export. The Print/Export dialog will appear providing you with export options including:
- Copy to clipboard for pasting elsewhere
- Save your document in one of the available formats
- Send your document to a word processor (like Microsoft Word)
To hide your notes, select the checkbox beside Bibliography only.
Create a New Bibliography in Verbum
Additional Resources
Verbum Help: Bibliography
Logos Wiki: Bibliography