You can automatically translate the text of your books into more than a hundred languages using the translation sidebar, opening up a whole new world of resources.
Note: Available in a Verbum Max subscription and in legacy packages Gold and above.
Note: While this tool supports translation to/from over 100 modern languages plus Hebrew and Latin, it doesn’t support translation from modern Greek or from other ancient languages such as Greek, Aramaic, Coptic, and Syriac. (But you can translate any language to modern Greek.)
The translation feature is only available online and is subject to a monthly AI-credit usage limit. The AI credit and notification symbol in the Toolbar indicates how many of your allocated AI credits you have used for the month.
Translate a Book
To translate a book, first open the book you want to translate and select the Tools tab (you may need to click More to find this). Then, click Translate .
Next, select a language from the dropdown to instantly translate the book into that language.
The translation sidebar automatically links to your book, so it continues to translate as you scroll. You can copy the entire contents of the translation sidebar by clicking the Copy icon or close the translation sidebar by clicking the
Translate Selected Text
If you only want to translate a selection of text rather than the whole resource, click and drag across the text you want to translate to access the Selection Menu. Click the Translate icon to translate the selected text. You can then select a language from the language dropdown. Then, the translation sidebar will display a prose translation of the selected text in the target language.
You can also translate selected text from the Context Menu. Simply click and drag to select the text, right-click your selection, choose Selection or Reference (Bibles only), and then Translate.
Note: Only published books, not personal books or documents, can be translated. Translation requests are routed through Verbum servers, so no personal data - not even your IP address - is sent to the translation providers. Verbum always logs the translation request size to ensure users don’t exceed their limits. Depending on your feedback settings, we may also record which part of which book was translated into which language. This data is used to help us to improve the service for all users.