Verbum Mobile - Play Audio

The Verbum mobile app can read your books to you and this article will show you how to enable this  feature and adjust how it operates. (This works for most books but not all).

Note: This feature is available to all users.

Tap the audio icon at the top of your book to start audio playback. This will open a small panel at the bottom of the book showing some simple controls providing the ability to stop the audio playing, to rewind and to pause the audio.

Tap Audio IconSimple Audio Controls

Swipe up on the panel to show more controls - including:

  • Options to move to the beginning or end of the track
  • Options to move to the next sentence - in either direction
  • Access to the book's table of contents allowing you to select a different section of the book
  • Ability to adjust playback speed
  • Ability to select different voices

Swipe Up To Access Full Audio Controls

To adjust playback speed, tap the speed icon and select your required playback speed using the slider.

Tap Playback Speed Icon

To select a different voice, tap the voice icon and select your preferred voice.

Tap Voice Icon Select A Voice

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