Typing study within the Command box, you can quickly and easily open all of the resources you need to study a topic or Bible passage with Factbook entries and QuickStart Layouts. All you need to do is enter the word study and a topic or Bible reference in the command box and select an option from the list provided.
Note: This feature is available to all users.
Factbook Entries
To open an entry in the Factbook, type study followed by the topic you want to explore in the Command box, then select from one of the displayed options.
Topic Study Layout
To study a topic, type study followed by the topic you want to explore in the Command box, then select from one of the displayed options.
Because some terms intersect with biblical passages, you may also find links to Passage Study Layouts when entering particular topics.
Note: The Topic Study Layout taps into the Controlled Vocabulary dataset. This dataset contains topics related to Christianity and the Bible drawn from resources across the Logos library. It groups equivalent terms under one heading so that searching for “Abraham” also returns results for “Abram.”
Passage Study Layout
Studying a particular passage is just as easy. Simply type study followed by a biblical passage, then select a layout from the options displayed.
With the study command, you can jump-start your studies and dive right in.