Verbum Mobile - Clippings

Clippings are custom collections of saved text from resources in your library. They help you pull together important quotes and insights on any theme, passage, or topic.


Create a Clipping

Access Clipping Documents

Delete a Clipping


Create a Clipping

To create a clipping on Verbum mobile, follow these steps:

  1. Select text in any resource.

    To select more than one word, tap and hold until blue handles appear. Drag the handles to complete your selection.

  2. Add a clipping.

    In the selection menu, tap the right arrow and choose Clip.

    Mobile - Add A Clipping

  3. Add notes and assign a document.

    You can add text in the notes field to provide further insight into your Clipping. At the bottom, select a Clipping Document.

    Mobile - Add Notes To A Clipping

Note: By default, your most recent Clipping Document is selected. To add your current Clipping to a different document, tap the current Clipping Document and then choose another document or create a new one with the plus icon . When finished, tap Done to return to your open resource.


Access Clipping Documents

To access existing Clipping Documents, expand the main menu , tap Clippings, and choose a document.
Mobile - Access Clippings

Note: While viewing your list of Clipping Documents, you can swipe to delete the entire document. Keep in mind, this will also delete all the Clippings inside the document.

Each Clipping displays as a card within the document. Tap any Clipping to view and edit its contents.

Mobile - Edit A Clipping


Delete a Clipping

To delete a Clipping, open the document it’s contained in from the navigation menu (Clippings > Clipping Document), and open the Clipping you want to delete. Tap Delete Clipping.

Mobile - Delete A Clipping

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