What are datasets and how do I use them?

In Verbum, datasets are collections of separate sets of information that have been grouped together into a single, searchable unit. This means that they are not resources to view from the library; instead, they power features within the application.

For example, the Systematic Theology Cross References Dataset contains approximately 830,000 references that have been categorized according to denominational affiliation (Anglican, Medieval, Patristic, etc.) and theological category (Christology, Anthropology, Ecclesiology, etc.).

Interlinear Bibles also feature built-in datasets that match grammatical information to the base text. When you expand the interlinear options menu to select the lines that will be displayed, you’re tapping into your datasets.

Interlinear datasets



Learn more about your datasets

Many Verbum datasets come with a documentation file that is housed in the Library. To find your dataset documentation, open the Library and type “dataset” in the find resources field. Then, expand the resource navigation menu, if it isn’t already, by clicking . Expand the Type filter and select Manual.

Apply manual type filter


The resulting resources should represent most, if not all, of the datasets in your Library.

Note: This method will even catch documentation resources that don’t have “Dataset” in their title.


Access your datasets

The good news is, you don’t need to do anything special to use your datasets. Because they are not resources in themselves, but rather they unlock features within the application, all you need to do to take advantage of them is open the Guide, Interactive, visual filter, or other resource that pulls from a particular dataset and begin to use it. Once the datasets have been added to your library, they are available for Verbum to access without any additional work on your part.


Datasets and the Context Menu

When you open the Context Menu by right-clicking within a resource, the left side of the pane gives you a whole host of options for how to interact with the text. Among those options, you'll find access to your datasets. 

Access datasets from the context menu


The left side of the menu contains various links that take advantage of your datasets to help you better understand the Bible as you study.


Explore your datasets with the Bible Browser

The Bible Browser tool taps into all of your datasets and uses them to help you explore and filter the text of your chosen Bible. The left pane of the Bible Browser contains all of the ways you can use your datasets to explore the Bible. In the example pictured below, we've used our datasets to display only the poetic biblical passages connected to Jesus as the Son of God.

Explore datasets with Bible Browser


Search your datasets

You can also search your datasets using the syntax described in the Verbum Help fileFor example, if you want to find any references to sanctification as a process within your systematic theologies, you can search for the word “process” within the “Sanctification” section of the Lexham Systematic Theology Ontology dataset using the search: process IN section:LSTO:Sanctification.

Search your datasets

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