The Self Test tool allows you to quickly access course exams and quizzes you’ve started or finished with Logos Mobile Ed or the Course tool. The Self Test tool allows you to easily find, continue, or refresh material from a quiz or exam.
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Accessing Started or Finished Content
Accessing the Self Tests Tool
Click Tools > Content > Self Tests or simply type ‘Self Test’ in the search box at the top of the menu.
Exams and quizzes that you’ve started or finished appear under their respective courses.
Note: You will only see exams and quizzes that you’ve started. If you do not see any classes or exams listed that means you have either not started any, or you do not have any resources that have exams or quizzes. Click here to browse a course catalog for Logos Mobile Ed.
Your progress in each quiz is indicated by the bar beside the quiz title. If you’ve completed a quiz, your score is indicated as a percentage beside the quiz title. Your average score for the quizzes you’ve completed is displayed for each course.
Accessing Started or Finished Content
To continue a quiz, click the quiz title and it will open up in a new panel. You can pick up right where you left off without having to restart. With the Self Tests tool, you can refresh your memory on the material you’ve already covered and continue to grow in your understanding of the material in each course.
Additional Resources
Verbum Help: Self Tests