Record Your Insights Using Notes

The Notes tool allows you to record your thoughts as you study, organize those thoughts into custom notebooks, and then recall what you’ve learned with faceted searching. With this fully cross-platform database, you can access your notes on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, or the web. View your notes as a searchable list, use faceted browsing to filter the list so only the notes you want to see are displayed, or limit results to those addressing a particular book of the Bible.

Note: This feature is available to all users.





Open the Notes tool

You can open the Notes tool from the Tools menu, from the Notes tab on the resource toolbar, by creating a new note using the Selection or Context menus, or by clicking the link below:

Open the Notes Tool in Verbum


From the Tools menu

Click Tools and select Notes, or click Tools and begin entering notes in the Tools search box. Click Notes to open the tool.

Open Verbum Notes From Tools Menu


From the Notes tab on the Dynamic Toolbar

From the Notes tab on the Toolbar, click the Add note button to add a note.

If you have a portion of text selected, the note will be added to that selection; if you don't have text selected, the note will be added to the reference currently showing in the reference box. In either case, the Notes Tool will open with the newly created note selected.

Create Note From Toolbar

From the Selection menu

  1. Select a word or range of text in any resource to display the Selection Menu.

  2. Click the Add a note button to open the Notes Tool and create a new note anchored to the selected text.

    Create Note From Selection Menu


From the Context menu

  1. Select a word or range of text in any resource.

  2. Right-click your selection, select from the options on the left side (such as Selection, Reference, etc.), then click Add a note on the right side. The Notes tool opens in a new panel if not already open.

    Create Note From Context Menu


Create Notes and Highlights

In addition to the two methods of creating new notes explained above, you can also create both notes and highlights using the Notes tool. Highlights call out a section of text, and notes contain content that you’ve written. With text selected in a resource in one panel and the Notes tool open in another panel, click the dropdown arrow beside New note and select New note on selected text. (Clicking New note creates a note that is not anchored to your selection.)

Create Note From Notes Tool


A new pane appears in the Notes tool where you can type the content of your note. Verbum automatically assigns the note’s first line to the title. The formatting toolbar allows you to format your note in a variety of ways. Learn more about this toolbar below.

New Note Created


Note: When a notebook is selected in the Notes tool, new notes are automatically assigned to it. If a notebook is not selected, any new notes are not assigned to a notebook.


Create a note in a Notebook

Notebooks (previously Notes documents in earlier Verbum versions) are collections of notes you create. Learn more about creating Notebooks below.

To create a note within a notebook:

  1. Select the notebook in the Notes tool.

  2. Create the note using the New note button in the Notes tool.

    Create Note In Notebook

Note: You can also create a new note within a specific notebook through the Context Menu. Right-click your selection to open the Context Menu, expand the Add a note section, and select the Notebook to which you want to add your new note.

Create Note In Notebook From Context Menu



With your text selected, use the following keyboard shortcuts to quickly add or remove annotations:

  • N – Creates a new note and opens the Notes Tool.

  • H – Applies the last used highlighting style (You can also use Ctrl+K for Windows or Cmd+K for macOS).

  • R – Removes annotations.


Add an Image to a Note

Adding media to notes is currently available in Verbum 10 Starter and higher. Learn more.

  1. Click the Insert media icon .

    Add Media To Note

  2. Select an image from one of the tabs—Your Media, Faithlife Stock, or Unsplash. Select Media For Note


    In the Your Media tab, click Upload.

    Upload Media For Note

    Verbum opens a dialog box from your operating system. Select an image from a location on your computer and click OK.

    Select Media For Upload

  3. Click Insert.

    Insert Media To Note

    Verbum inserts the image into your note.

    Note With Media Added

Note: Alternatively, you can also drag an image from your hard drive and drop it into a note. This will upload the image to Your Media and insert it into the body of the note. 

Organize notes and highlights


Verbum automatically assigns metadata to a note. This includes:

  • Biblical book (if the note is anchored to a biblical passage)

  • Resource (the note is anchored to, e.g. the ESV)

  • Data type

  • Date created

  • Date modified

  • Author

Use the filter view in the navigation sidebar to search for notes by their metadata. To assign or move an existing note to a specific notebook:

  1. Open the note.

  2. Click the Notebook icon, or click and drag the note to the desired notebook.

    Note: A note assigned to a notebook displays the notebook title in the note editor panel.

    Assign A Note To A Notebook



You can also assign tags to your notes. Browse your tags by scrolling down to the Tags section of the Notes filter view, or use the filter find box to quickly limit the displayed notes to those that match a specific tag. More details on note tagging are included below.

Select Tags In Notes Tool Notes With Tag Applied




Anchor Notes and Highlights

Anchoring a note or highlight connects it to one or more locations in a resource. Verbum provides two options to anchor your note to the Selection or to the Reference.

For example, anchoring your note to the selected text of John 15:8 only attaches the note to the open Bible translation.

Add Note By Selection


Note Added By Selection


While anchoring your note to the reference, John 15:8, makes that note accessible in every translation in your Library (if you have the Notes and highlights visual filter enabled).

Add Note By Reference


Note Added By Reference


Access a note’s more actions menu to show full anchor text or add an anchor.

Notes Panel Menu


You can also click +Add Anchor within the note itself to attach the note to a particular Reference or selected text.

Add Anchor To A Note Options To Add Anchor To A Note


The Notes tool is made up of a toolbar, a collapsible navigation sidebar, a search results panel, and a note editor panel.



The panel toolbar features a search box and a New note button. When you’re interacting with a resource in another open panel, the arrow next to New note displays options to create a New note, New note on selected text, or Highlight selected text.


To browse saved notes, click the Sidebar icon to open the navigation sidebar.

Open Notes Faceted Browser



The sidebar shows two tabs: Filters and Notebooks . Use the Filters tab to view all notes grouped by: Type, Resource, Bible Book, Data Type, Notebook, Anchor, Modified, and Created.

Notes - Show Filters


Use the Notebooks tab to create new notebooks or access existing notebooks along with their associated notes.

Notes - Show Notebooks


Select a Notebook and then click its more actions icon to Rename, Delete, or Share it.

Notebook Panel Icon


Search results panel

The search results panel lists all of the notes and highlights matching the search specified.

Searching In Notes


Or it matches the filter criteria selected in the sidebar.


Select Notes Filters Show Filtered Notes


Note editor

Each note features its own toolbar offering options for adjusting the note icon and color, assigning a highlight style, and applying a specific Palette.

Below the note’s toolbar, a full set of rich text controls are available to customize the note text. You can enter and edit notes in the text entry field. Although there are no icons for cut/copy/paste, you can do so using standard keyboard shortcuts, or by right-clicking in the note’s text field.

Notes Editor Controls


Tag Notes

You can assign tags to the note by clicking in the Add tags… field at the bottom of the panel. Begin typing and select from suggested options or finish typing your entry. Press Tab or Enter to complete the tag entry.


Add Tag To Note Tag Added To Note


You can find tagged notes using the filters in the faceted browser of your Notes panel.


Filter Notes By Tag Show Notes Filtered By Tag


Sorting your notes

You can sort your notes based on a range of different criteria. To do so, click the Sort dropdown and select the desired sorting method.

Notes Sort Options

Note: Available sorting options depend on what filters you have active. For example, in order to sort your notes by reference, you must have a biblical book filter selected or have specified the Reference filter Bible.

Notes Enable Sort By Reference


Notes Sort By Reference Enabled


Hovering over a greyed-out sorting option shows a tooltip displaying the required filter.

Notes - Check Search Options



Notebooks are groups of notes gathered together based on highlighting style, palette, topic, or other feature. It’s possible to have notes that are not connected to a notebook, just as it’s possible for notebooks to be empty.

Create a new notebook by selecting the notebook view in the sidebar.

Select Notebook View


Then click the plus icon Add New Circle - Outline icon.

Create New Notebook


Enter a unique name for your notebook and press Enter.

Name Notebook


You can now select the Notebook by clicking it in the faceted browser

Select New Notebook


This results in the Notes selection panel being empty as there are not currently any Notes in that Notebook.

New Notebook Selected


Adding a Note to a Notebook from the New note button

Create a new note from the New note button

Create Note From New Note Button


This new note will be added to the notebook as indicated by the Notebook selection box at the top of the panel.

New Notes In Notebook


Adding a Note to a Notebook from the context menu

You can right-click a portion of text and add a note from the context menu. If you just click Add a note, then the notes will be created outside of any notebook.

Create Note Outside Of A Notebook


But if you open the Add a note dropdown you can select from the five most recently used notebooks. If you select New Notebook,

Create Note In New Notebook


this will add the note into that notebook and open a new instance of the Notes Tool with its tab named to match the notebook selected.

Note Created In New Notebook



Moving Notes to Notebooks

To assign an existing note (or group of notes) to a notebook, clear all Notebook filters and scroll down to the target notebook in the Notes Tool.

Target Notebook


Click one of the notes you want to move and then add any others by holding Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (macOS) while clicking, or by holding Shift while clicking to select a contiguous set of notes.

Select Notes To Move


Select the notebook from the dropdown in the panel

Specify Target Notebook


When you have selected the target notebook, click Apply Changes.

Notes Move - Apply Changes


Alternatively, you can drag the note(s) to the target notebook

Drag Notes To Target Notebook


Visual filters

All your notes and highlights (can be displayed within your resources by toggling the Show note indicators control in the Show notes and highlights dropdown menu in the Notes tab.

You can use the dropdown menu to control which notebooks you want to be displayed.

Enable Notes Display


Corresponding Notes and Highlights

When reading a Bible or other resource with multiple versions, you can choose to see notes and highlights anchored in another translation in the one you are reading. This is enabled with the Find other books with corresponding text option at the bottom of the Notes dropdown menu.

Toggle Corresponding Text Notes Display


When enabled, this displays Notes and Highlights regardless of which version you added them to. As you can see in the example below, highlights applied in the NIV are shown in the LEB. And, notebooks can be selected / deselected for this option as required.

Corresponding Annotation


Filter Resources by Notes or Highlights

You can set any resource to display only those places where you’ve taken a note or made a highlight. 

Open the Notes Filter from the Notes tab

Open Notes Filter


Select filters from the faceted menu

Apply Notes Filters Notes Filters Applied


You can further control display options from the dropdown to affect how much surrounding context is shown

Apply Paragraph Display Paragraph Display Applied


Delete a Note, Notebook, or Highlight

Select the note, notebook, or highlight, Click the note more actions icon and select Delete this note.

Delete A Note


Undelete a Note, Notebook, or Highlight

You can click Trash at the bottom of the Notes menu to display notes, highlights, and notebooks that have been deleted.

Notes - Select Trash


Clicking any deleted item displays options to Permanently delete or Undelete the selected item at the bottom of the panel.

Undelete Notes


Print Your Notes and Notebooks

You can print individual notes (along with the anchor text) or entire notebooks.

To print a single note, select the note you want, and click the Notes Tool more actions icon followed by Print/Export.

Print Note


To print an entire notebook, make sure you don't have any notes selected then open the relevant notebook and click the Notes Tool more actions icon followed by Print/Export without selecting any of the notes within it.

Print Notebook


Display Your Notes in the Text

Tap the More Actions Menu Icon , scroll down the menu, and select View Settings. Then, In the View Settings menu, toggle Show Notes/Highlights "on" and tap Done.

Tap More Actions and select View Settings Toggle on Show Notes Highlights

Your notes will display as an icon adjacent to the word, phrase, or reference where it’s anchored. To display the contents of a note, tap the note icon.

Tap note icon to view note

Create a Note Anchored to a Word or Phrase.

Select a word, phrase, or reference. The Insights Panel will appear, then select Note Pencil icon.

Select a passage and tap Note from the Insights Panel

Write your note and, if desired, set the notebook and add more anchors. Tap Done and the icon for your new note will appear in the text.

Type a note and tap Done

Delete a Note

To delete a note, tap the note you want to delete to open it. In the Notes tool, tap the More Actions Icon . Tap Delete Note.

Delete a note

Another way to delete a note is to select a word, phrase, or reference where the note is anchored. The Insights Panel will appear. Tap Notes & Highlights, and then tap the More Actions Icon  on the relevant card. Tap Delete.

Tap Delete from the more actions menu

  1. Tap the More Items Menu .

  2. Select Notes.

  3. Select All Notes to search and view all of your notes. To search and manage your notes by notebook, select Notebooks.


Restore a Deleted Note or Notebook

  1. Tap the More Items Menu .

  2. Select Notes.

  3. Tap Trash.

    Tap Trash

  4. Select either Trashed Notes or Trashed Notebooks.

  5. Tap the More Actions Icon , then tap Select.

    Tap More Actions then tap Select

  6. Select the notes or notebooks you want to restore and then tap the More Actions Icon at the bottom of the tab. Then tap Restore to restore the notes.

    Select notes to restore Tap Restore


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