Lemma in Passage

The Lemma in Passage guide section searches through your commentaries for their references to original language lemmas (dictionary forms of words) you might want to study. It can be added to some Guides or opened as a standalone guide section.

Note: Available in a Verbum Max subscription and in legacy packages Bronze and above.

Note: Lemma in Passage requires an active internet connection.

In Passage Guide

Add Lemma in Passage to a Passage Guide by running the Passage Guide, then clicking Add > Lemma In Passage.

Lemma in Passage groups your results into two sections:

  • Lemmas in [passage] — displays every instance where each lemma in the passage is mentioned within a discussion on that passage.
  • Other Lemmas — displays other lemmas that are mentioned within a discussion of the passage you’ve entered.
    Example: theios appears in a commentary discussion of John 1:1. Since it doesn't appear in the passage itself, it is listed under Other Lemmas.

Results can be sorted by either Lemma (which groups results by commentary mentions of that particular lemma) or Book (which groups results by the commentary where the lemma is discussed).


In Bible Word Study

Add Lemma in Passage to a Bible Word Study by running the Bible Word Study, then clicking Add Lemma In Passage. When you search for a word in Bible Word Study, the Lemmas in Passage guide section displays every occurrence of that word under discussion in commentaries in your library.

  • Lemmas in Passage — displays every discussion of the lemma for which you’ve searched, sorted by biblical reference.
  • Other Lemmas — displays occurrences where the lemma is mentioned in a discussion of passages in which it does not appear.
    Example: a commentary contrasts nipto (which occurs in the passage under discussion) with baptizo (which does not occur in the passage).

Results can be sorted by either Passage (which groups results by biblical reference) or Book (which groups results by the commentary where the lemma is discussed).


Standalone Guide Section

  1. Open the Guides/Workflows menu, then begin typing Lemma in Passage in the Guides menu search box. Select the Lemma in Passage guide section when it appears. It will open in a new panel.
  2. Type the lemma you want to study in the Lemma in Passage Search Box. The guide section will return results showing everywhere that lemma is discussed in commentaries in your library.


Guide Views

You can display results in two different ways.

  • Passage — displays your results grouped by biblical passage.
  • Book — displays your results grouped by the commentary in which they occur.

Open Lemma in Passage in Verbum


Additional Resources

Verbum Help: Lemma in Passage

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