Note: This video was made using an older version of the software.
The Bible Word Study Guide provides detailed information about specific words. You can access the guide from the Guides, Context, or Selection menu. It supports English words as well as biblical Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.
Tip: Link your Greek New Testament to a Bible Word Study Guide using Link Sets so any time you click a word in the Bible, Verbum will open the Guide to that word. Learn more about Link Sets.
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Accessing the Bible Word Study Guide
There are three main ways to start a Bible Word Study Guide:
From the Guides Menu
To generate a Bible Word Study Guide from the Guides Menu:
Click Guides > Bible Word Study to open a new word study.
Note: By default, the Bible Word Study Guide is pinned to the top of the Guides menu. It can also be accessed in the Guides section of the Guides Menu.
From the Context Menu
To generate a Bible Word Study Guide from the Context Menu:
- Right-click the word in your text.
- Select lemma on the left side of the Context Menu.
- Click Bible Word Study on the right.
Note: You can generate Bible Word Study reports from any morphologically-tagged original-language text, or from an English translation that includes a reverse-interlinear.
From the Selection Menu
To generate a Bible Word Study Guide from the Selection Menu:
- Drag across a word to select it.
- Click Study from the Selection Menu that pops up.
Study English Words
The sections in the Bible Word Study Guide vary depending on the language of the word you select. When you are studying an English word, the following sections display:
- Topic
- Hebrew Words
- Greek Words
- Senses
- Phrases
- Textual Searches
Scroll through the Bible Word Study Guide sections until you find ones that are relevant to your study. We’ve highlighted some of the sections below.
Note: Click the All Passages link if you want to restrict the guide to a particular passage or range of verses.
This section provides one-click access to dictionaries or encyclopedias in your Library that have articles on the word you’re studying. Click one of these links to open the resource to the relevant article.
Click More >> to see more dictionaries. Click the Topic Guide link (if present) to open a Topic Guide on that topic.
Hebrew Words
This section displays a translation ring showing the different Hebrew words that are translated by the English word you’re studying.
- Click a segment of the ring to show where that particular Hebrew word occurs when translated in this way.
- Hover over a segment to see different ways in which a particular Hebrew word is translated.
Greek Words
This section functions in the same way as the Hebrew Words section but looks at underlying Greek terms instead.
Textual Searches
This section shows where the word occurs in your five highest prioritized Bibles (known as your Top Bibles). Click the search icon beside a version search for all occurrences of that word in that particular Bible.
Study Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic Words
As well as English, the Bible Word Study Guide supports original language Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. When you’re studying original languages, the following sections are displayed:
- Lemma
- Translation
- Septuagint Translation
- Root
- Senses
- Example Uses
- Clause Participants
- Preposition Use
- Phrases
- Lemma in Passage
- Textual Searches
- Case Frames
Scroll down the Bible Word Study Guide sections until you find ones that are relevant to your study. We’ve highlighted some of the sections below.
Note: Click the All Passages link if you want to restrict the guide to a particular passage or range of verses.
This section provides one-click access to lexicons or encyclopedias in your Library that have articles on the word you’re studying. Click one of these links to open the resource to the relevant article.
Click More >> to see more dictionaries and click the Morphology Charts link (if present) to view the different forms this word takes in the Greek New Testament.
This section displays a translation ring showing the different ways the original language word you’re studying is translated in the version you’re using.
- Hover over the top-right of the panel to display the Settings option which allows you to change the Bible being used in translation.
- Click a segment of the ring to show where a specific English word translates the original language word.
- Hover over a segment to see all of the original language words that are translated by the specific English word.
Septuagint Translation
This section functions in the same way as the Translation section. but for the Septuagint. You can see which Hebrew words are translated by the Greek term instead.
This section shows the lemmas linked to the word you are studying. The lemma you’ve searched is indicated with an orange dot. The sparkline charts on the right show the total number of occurrences of the root and the individual lemmas. Hover over one to show a breakdown by biblical book.
Click one of the different lemmas in this section to open up a new Bible Word Study Guide focused on that word.
This section shows the different senses, or meanings, taken by the word being studied and operates in a similar way to the Translation ring above.
Hover over a Sense to see a definition and click it to open the Bible Sense Lexicon to that Sense.
Clause Participants
This section shows the different entities associated with the word being studied. You can switch between grammatical and semantic roles using the toggle at the top right. In grammatical mode, it shows information such as Subjects and Objects (when analyzing verbs).
Click a participant to see where it appears with the particular verb.
Lemma in Passage
This section shows where the word you’re studying is discussed in commentaries in your Library.
You can sort Lemma in Passage results by clicking Passage (sorts by biblical passage) or Resource (sorts by resource).
There are two sections within Lemma in Passage.
- Lemmas in Passage displays a list of commentaries that discuss the lemma in the context of a specific biblical passage.
- Other Lemmas shows a list of commentaries that discuss the lemma you’re studying outside of a specific biblical context.
Scroll down to the biblical book you’re interested in and expand the entry. Then expand the resource you want to study.
Textual Searches
This section shows where the word you’re studying appears in original language sources. Click one of the entries to run a Morphological Search in that resource.
Case Frames
This section allows you to study the relationships between words you are studying. The interface functions in a similar way to the Translation Ring. Click one of the groupings to expand it.