Search Panel Options

You can control the behavior and appearance of your search by using a combination of modifiers at the top right of the Search Panel itself and options within the Search Panel menu.


Search Panel Modifiers

There are three modifiers on the search panel itself (although not in all search options):

  • Match Case @Mention icon: Makes your search case-sensitive, requiring search results to match the capitalization of your search query.
  • Match All Word Forms A icon: Includes results of all forms of your search term in the search results. For example, results for a search for love would include loved, lovely, loving, etc.
  • Match equivalent references: There are three options for this:

    • Narrow A icon will only use exactly what you specify in your search term
    • Default A icon will include results where different datatypes have values of the same name. For example, in a Narrow Bible search, searches for event:Creation or topic:Creation yield different results. Selecting Default combines the results of these searches. And, for another example, a Narrow Bible search for a verse will return all cross-references to that verse while a Default Bible search will return those results and the actual verse itself.
    • Broad A icon adds in additional terms with related values such as thing:Animal


Panel Menu

Access the panel menu by clicking on the menu icon in the upper-right of the Search Panel.


Search Panel Menu Options

Several options are displayed, grouped by type:


Text Size slider

Change the default text size within the Search Panel. by dragging the slider.


Link Sets

You can link a search panel to any link set and any clicked word in a resource with the same link set will automatically run a search in your search panel. For instance, you can link a search panel and a Bible with reverse-interlinear functionality (e.g., ESV). As you click words or phrases in the Bible, the search panel will conduct searches for your currently displayed search tab.

To clear the current link set, select None or select Clear All Links to remove all links from the panel.

Note: Learn more about using link sets in Verbum.

  • Send Searches Here: Performs any new searches (e.g. from the Context menu) in the current tab of the Search panel, instead of opening a new tab for each search.



  • Print/Export: Open the Print/Export dialog. You can also access this option with a keyboard shortcut: Cmd+P (Mac) or Ctrl+P (Windows).
  • Save as a Passage List: Saves the resulting lists of passages from your search results.
  • Save as Visual Filter: Saves your search query as a Visual Filter. A Visual Filter highlights search results within a resource.
  • Save as a Word List: Saves the resulting words from any search to a Word List for further study or for memorization.


Show Reading View

Toggles full-screen view on and off. You can also access the reading view with a keyboard shortcut: Opt+Cmd+R (Mac) or F11 (Windows).


General Panel Options

  • Duplicate This Panel: Creates a copy of the panel in a new tab. You can also duplicate panels with a keyboard shortcut: Shift+Cmd+N (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+N (Windows).
  • Float This Panel: Moves the panel to a floating window. (Dock This Panel returns the panel to the main Verbum window.) You can also float panels with a keyboard shortcut: Opt+Cmd+F (Mac) or F11 (Windows)


Copy Location As

Copy a location to the clipboard in one of the available formats:

  • URL: A hyperlink for use in a word-processing document, email message, or web page.
  • HTML: A fully formatted link ready to embed into a web page.
  • L4: A link that opens Verbum directly, without requiring an Internet connection. This may not work in some applications.
  • WIKI: A link formatted for use on websites like
  • RL: A link formatted for use in a Reading List, at
  • URL — A hyperlink for use in a word processing document, email message, or web page.

Note: You can use a keyboard shortcut to copy a link to your clipboard: Opt+Cmd+C (Mac) or Ctrl+Alt+C (Windows). Your most recently used link type will be added to your system clipboard. Learn more about creating links in Verbum.


Closes the Search Panel. You can also use a keyboard shortcut: Cmd+W (Mac) or Ctrl+F4 (Windows).

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