Deepen your Understanding of Biblical Languages with Interlinears


Are you trying to increase your knowledge of the original languages of the Bible and just need a little help? Interlinear Bibles are a valuable tool for learning and studying the original language text of the Bible. There are two types of interlinear Bibles available in Verbum:

  • Traditional interlinear Bibles are based on the original language text and display English equivalents to help with translation work.
  • Reverse interlinear Bibles which are English (or other modern language) translations with the corresponding Greek and Hebrew words placed below (and out of their original order).

Note: This feature is available to all users.

Traditional Interlinear Bibles

An example of this type of Bible is the Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament.

  1. The toggle controls whether interlinear information is displayed or not. This can also be toggled by selecting / deselecting the Inline Interlinear box at the top of the menu or using Ctrl+I on Windows or Cmd+I on Mac.
  2. There are a range of options allowing you to select what interlinear information you want displayed below the original language words.
  3. The Reader's Edition option allows you to turn off the display of interlinear information for a selection of words, which can help you increase your knowledge of vocabulary.

Lexham GNT Interlinear Options


The Reader's Edition section enables you to hide words based on two types of criteria:

  1. Words that occur more than a particular number of times in the book
  2. Words that exist in one or more Word Lists

Lexham GNT Interlinear Readers Edition


Reverse Interlinear Bibles

Note: While this section focuses on Bibles with reverse interlinears, there are a few other resources with reverse interlinear capability and they function in a similar way to that described here.

Interlinear information is not available in every Bible. The Bible must be a translation and have reverse-interlinear data associated with it. You can find whether you have access to a reverse interlinear for any particular Bible in the Information panel.

Select Info Panel Info Panel - RI Section


You can access interlinear information in two different ways: in line with the biblical text or in a pane at the bottom of the Bible.

  1. The toggle controls whether interlinear information - in either mode - is displayed or not. 
  2. There are a range of options for the inline reverse interlinear allowing you to select what information you want displayed below the original language words. This view can also be toggled using Ctrl+I on Windows or Cmd+I on Mac.
  3. The reverse interlinear pane can be selected / deselected in the drop-down menu or toggled using Ctrl+Shift+R on Windows or Cmd+Shift+R on Mac.

Bible Reverse Interlinear Options

Note: The Surface box refers to the text of the (usually) English translation. The remaining options refer to the underlying original language text.

You can control which rows are shown in the Reverse Interlinear Pane by right-clicking one of the row headings and selecting from the popup menu.

Select Reverse Interlinear Pane Options


The top line displays the text of your open Bible. The pane will update as you scroll, and selecting a word in your Bible highlights it in the interlinear pane. You can also click and drag the interlinear pane left and right to a desired location.

Note: In either view, the small subscripted numbers show word order in the original language texts.

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