Note: This video was made using an older version of the software.
You can quickly open and close resources, search, and perform other tasks using the Command box.
There are different locations for this box depending on whether the toolbar is at the top or on the left side.
If the toolbar is at the top, the box appears just to the right of the first set of program icons:
If the toolbar is on the left - and in its wide configuration - the command box appears just to the right of the Verbum logo:
If the toolbar is on the left - and in its narrow configuration - you need to click the Verbum icon to access the command box as it is not normally visible.
Once you have focus in the Command Box, start to enter your command or search request. As you begin to type, a drop-down box will appear with suggested commands.The order in which options display changes to match your typical usage. If the command you want is at the top of the list, press Enter to execute it. Alternatively, select the required command from the dropdown menu.
Commands are not case-sensitive. Some can be combined, e.g. [resource name] to [reference] in [a new window / a new tab]. You can pin a command to the toolbar by dragging it from the list of suggestions.
Opening Resources
Opening a biblical passage
You can quickly open a specific passage in your preferred Bible by typing the reference in the Command box.
Opening any resource
You can open any resource by typing its name or abbreviation in the Command box (You can find a resource’s abbreviation listed under its title in the Info panel of the Library tool).
Opening a resource to a specific location
You can open a resource to a specific reference or heading by typing the resource name or abbreviation, followed by to [the desired reference or heading].
Opening a resource in a new window or tab
You can also open a resource in a new tab or window by adding in a new window or in a new tab.
Opening Help
You can open Verbum help documentation by typing help in the Command box or you can open the help documentation to a specific section by typing help to [topic].
Close All
You can close all open panels by typing close all. You can also click the Close All icon on the main application toolbar.
Look Up
You can quickly look up a topic or word by typing look up [word].
You can quickly open any guide by typing open [guide name]. Some guides can be opened to a specific location using to [reference].
You can quickly open any tool by typing show [tool name].
Opening and Creating Documents
Opening Documents
You can open any document by typing open [document name] in the Command box.
Creating Documents
You can create a document by typing create [document type]. To specify a name for the document, add named [document name] in the Command box.
Copying Text
You can copy text using the Command box by typing copy [passage reference]. The passage will be copied to your clipboard from your preferred Bible version. You can specify a different version by including from [version].
You can search from the Command box by entering search for [topic]. This offers a range of search options.
To specify a specific type of search, enter [type] search for [topic].
Other Functions
Update Active Layout
You can update the saved version of your current layout by entering update active layout into the Command box.
Read Aloud
To start the Read Aloud feature of Verbum, type read aloud. Verbum will begin reading the active resource aloud at the current location.
To stop reading aloud, enter stop.
Program Settings
You can set the value of a program setting using the Command box. To do so, type set [setting] to [value]. You can find a full list of settings by clicking Tools > Utilities > Program Settings.
To restore a default setting, type set [setting] to default.
Advanced Functions
Note: These features can only be accessed through the Command box. Generally speaking, these are advanced or uncommon. Proceed carefully.
Rebuild index
Sometimes the search index will need to be rebuilt, either because the indexer failed to complete its tasks, or because the index somehow became corrupted. Note that building the index takes a long time and uses a lot of system resources, so don’t do this unless you are prepared to wait. If the indexer is already running, these commands restart the indexer from the beginning.
You can rebuild all indexes by entering rebuild index in the Command box.
You can also choose to reindex a single resource. To do so, enter reindex [resource name].
Remove a Spell-Check Word
You can remove a word you have previously added to your custom user spell-checking dictionary for a specific language by entering remove [word] from [language abbreviation].
Remove Expired Resources
In some cases, specifically when acquired as a rental or those included as part of Verbum Now or Verbum Cloud collections, resources may have been downloaded to your computer that you no longer have licenses to. You can safely delete these files by entering delete unlicensed resources in the Command box.
You can find and integrate resources to your library by entering scan [resource path]. The resource path can be a location on your computer, or a CD/DVD drive. This may take a long time, and standard licensing restrictions still apply. If you think you should have a license, but the scan command doesn’t recognize it, call customer service.
You can tell Verbum to synchronize your settings and documents with the server by entering sync now in the Command box. (You can also click the Synchronize icon in the toolbar.)
You can tell Verbum to double-check the synchronization of your documents and settings by entering sync repair in the Command box.
You can tell Verbum to check for updates by entering update now in the Command box.
Additional Information
Verbum Help: Command Box