Smart Search is an AI-assisted search available in the All Search and the Books Search.
Note: Smart Search is available to users through AI credits.
It is designed to enable natural language queries - without additional search syntax - to return highly relevant results.
Note: Smart Search does not generate any new text, rather it extracts highly-relevant information from Verbum resources.
Smart Search is the default engine for All Search and for Books Search. If, in either search mode, you enter standard Verbum search syntax, the conventional search engine will be used to execute a Precise search.
When running either an All Search or a Books Search, it is also possible to get an AI-generated summary of the search results.
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All Search
When you open a Smart Search driven All Search, the search hints provide guidance on how to enter your query, showing the very simple syntax required.
Enter a search query to obtain relevant results from Verbum resources.
Note: All Search includes results even from books you don't own.
The results returned are of three different types:
- Books for which you don't have a license (indicated by a padlock)
- Books you own
- Relevant Factbook articles
Click an unowned entry to see a preview with the option to purchase the book:
Hover your cursor over results for a book you own to see a preview of what it says - and click the result to open the book to the relevant place:
Click a Factbook result to open the Factbook to that article:
Books Search
The Books Search has a toggle enabling you to switch between Smart or Precise searching. A new Books Search panel will open to the same mode as the last Books Search you executed.
In Smart Search mode, it operates exactly the same as the All Search but only returns results from books you own.
Summarizing Search Results
In both search types, Smart Searching provides the ability to summarize results. In All Search, this even works in books you don't own.
Hover your mouse at the top-right of a search result to expose a Summarize button:
Click it to generate the summary of the linked article: