Download Media in Media Resources

When playing media from a media resource you may see a message that Verbum is unable to access the media you are trying to play. The best way to resolve this problem is to download the video/audio files manually. 


  1. Click the panel menu in the top-right corner of the resource.


  2. Click Download all media.


  3. Verbum indicates that it is downloading media by changing the option Download all media (and possibly Delete downloaded media if you’ve successfully streamed any resources) to Cancel media download.

    Tip: The media files can range from tens of gigabytes, to hundreds. The more media files in a resource, the they will take to download.
    Keep the computer and Verbum open, with it connected to the internet, AND the resource panel open.

  4. When the option for “cancel media download” is replaced with “Delete downloaded media” alone the media files have all downloaded. This menu option can be used to delete the media from the computer locally.

The media files will be on the machine locally, and playable without the internet connection.

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