Installation Instructions | Android

Installing the Verbum Bible App

Select your Installation Source

Google Play Store
Amazon App Store

Tap the Download button to install. Open your Applications menu. Tap on the app icon and enter your email address and password to log in to an existing account, or register for a new account for free.

You will remain automatically logged in to the app unless you manually uninstall the app or clear its data.

Uninstalling the app will delete any books you may have saved for offline reading mode. They will be downloaded again, automatically, if you reinstall.

Explanation of Logos Apps:

  • Bible is our powerful Bible Study app and counterpart to the Logos desktop software.
  • Verbum is our Catholic focused version of Bible, and counterpart to Verbum mode on the Logos desktop software.
  • Biblia is the Bible app in Spanish.
  • Faithlife EBooks is our expansive eBook app for eBooks.
    These titles are also available in the Bible app.
  • Faithlife Study Bible connects your Bible Study to your Faithlife Community.
  • Proclaim is the free presentation remote for Proclaim presenters.
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