By default, Verbum Bible Software automatically detects and downloads any missing resources from your library. However, it’s also possible to configure Verbum to access some resources in the cloud (in which case they would be visible in your Library but not downloaded to your computer), or only download them manually or at certain times. If you believe resources are missing, try the following suggestions:
1) Double-check the resource really is missing from your library
It’s easy to mistype an author's name or book title. And, occasionally, book titles might differ slightly from what you expect. Therefore, as well as searching for the resource by Title, also try searching for it by the author’s name - and you can use filters in the Library to ensure you are only searching titles or authors (not other information associated with the resource).
For example, you might be looking for R.C. Sproul's book Essential Truths of the Christian Faith and a search for title:"Essential Truths" would find it:
However, if you have misremembered the title as Important Truths of the Christian Faith then the search would not show the resource:
But searching by author would find it, and show you have the resource in your Library:
It’s also possible to filter the library, which might prevent you from seeing the resource. Therefore, make sure you’ve removed any filters from the lefthand sidebar in your library. If, for example, you had selected the Bible Commentary filter from the sidebar, only commentaries written by Sproul would appear and not the resource you are looking for:
Click All at the top left of the filter list to clear all filters and Library searches:
If you’ve just bought the resource, sorting your library by Recently Updated may help you to find it.
2) Check which account you’re signed in as
Make sure you’re signed in to Verbum using the same account you used to buy the resource. You can check the account by clicking on your account profile picture in the toolbar:
3) Check that the resource has not been hidden
You can permanently hide resources from your library if you’re not interested in them. Double-check that the resource you’re looking for hasn’t been hidden.
4) Manually check for new resources or resource updates
You can use a couple of special commands to ask Verbum to check for updates: update now to check for new resources and software updates; update resources to check for updates to resources.
If these steps successfully download the missing resources, you may want to change your internet and download settings, to ensure future resources are downloaded automatically.
5) Update and restart Verbum
Newer Verbum resources require the latest version of the software. Be sure to update to the latest version of Verbum.
6) Check the web app to see if you can find the resource there
If you’ve followed all the steps above and still can’t the missing resources, you may need to contact us for additional help. Before you do so, visit and check to see whether you can find the resource there. That will help us diagnose your problem more quickly.