Using Video and Audio Resources in Logos

We have added support for Video and Audio content from various sources on all platforms. To limit download sizes and save hard drive space, media content will be Streamed directly through an active internet connection and quality will be scaled based on available user-bandwidth. If you experience long "buffer" times or difficulty with playback, please check your Internet Connection and Speed and review the system requirements below to ensure your platform will support video and audio playback.

Please note: all Verbum 3 (Libronix DLS) video and audio content may not be currently available. This content will need to be rebuilt to support the new formats and will become available to users who own them as they are updated on the server.

System Requirements:

For Windows:

  • Video: Verbum 7.0+
  • Audio: Verbum 7.0+
  • Windows 7 SP 1, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 "Anniversary Update" (Version 1607) or later (not compatible with Windows RT or Windows 10 S)
  • Internet Connection is Required.
    Media can be pre-cached/downloaded for offline use in the Panel Menu (top-left, "cover image") or streamed by default.

For Mac:

  • Video: Verbum 7.0+
  • Audio: Verbum 7.0+
  • OS X 10.10 "Yosemite" and above (Verbum 7.12 will require OS X 10.11 or above).
  • Internet Connection is Required.
    Media can be pre-cached/downloaded for offline use in the Panel Menu (top-left, "cover image") or streamed by default.

For iPhone, iPad, Android, Etc:

Media resources for the mobile apps are available in all current releases. If you haven't already, be sure to visit the App Store or Google Play/Amazon Stores on your device and install any updates to ensure compatibility. An active internet connection (WiFi recommended) is required to stream the this content. Offline mode is not supported.

Note: some content may not be available to mobile apps.


    Error: "This media could not be played."
  • Check your internet connection and firewall settings. Video content is streamed and requires internet access.
  • This can also occur if the Microsoft DirectX Runtime is not properly installed. To remedy this problem, please reinstall DirectX, here.
    The video plays, but the screen is black.
  • Windows 7 "N"/"KN" (European Editions) may not have the necessary media feature pack pre-installed. It can be downloaded here.

Formats: Video uses MP4 format and Audio uses MP3 format. Most computers will not need any special codecs to play them. If you experience problems playing Video or Audio content, and believe you may be missing the necessary codes, please review the steps above and be sure your computer's media player (iTunes/TV/Quicktime or Windows Media Player) is installed and up to date.

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