Warning: 1946 or 1909


While updating Verbum, you may receive the following non-critical error when updating Verbum:

Warning 1946: Property 'System.AppUserModel.ID' for shortcut 'Verbum Bible Software.lnk' could not be set. or a similar error referring to 1909.


This error considered non-critical1 and seems to occur when attempting to update a Verbum shortcut which has been somehow modified, most often when Verbum has been "pinned" to the Windows Taskbar. Click "OK" to proceed with your update.

After the update is complete, the Verbum Verbum shortcut icon may be incorrect. To resolve this, re-pin the shortcut.

  1. Open Verbum.
  2. Right-click on the shortcut.
  3. Choose Unpin this program from the Taskbar.
  4. Repeat step three to pin Logos to the Taskbar.

1A "non-critical" error will not harm the Logos program or affect its performance.

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