In the Verbum mobile app on iPadOS and iPhone, you can draw on any resource view using your finger or any stylus with Draw on Screen mode.
Note: This feature is available in all subscription tiers.
For help using the built-in highlighters in Verbum, see the Highlight Text support article.
1. Open the Draw on Screen mode.
Tap the More Menu icon and tap Draw on Screen. You may get a popup menu briefly describing how to use this feature - click Ok to dismiss the menu.
Note: When in drawing mode, all navigation is disabled so you can focus on your markup, so ensure your screen is set before entering Draw on Screen mode.
2. Markup your screen.
Select a drawing tool and start drawing on your screen. To change any tool, tap the tool indicator to customize it.
Using the more options menu you can set the toolbar to automatically minimize and more. This feature is only available on iPads.
Note: For more help using Markup on iPadOS, view Apple’s support article.
3. Share or save your drawing.
When finished, you can copy, share, and save the image to photos or save the drawing as an image in a Verbum note from the options menu in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Once you finish, open the options menu and tap Exit Drawing.