How Do I...with Notes and Highlights?

Take, organize, and review your study notes using the Notes tool within Verbum. Looking for how to do a specific task? Check out the sections below. 

Tip: To find a specific task, use Cmd+F (macOS) or Ctrl+F (PC) to open your browser's search. Then, enter the task you'd like to find.

Note: This feature is available to all users.


Hyperlink a citation from a note back to its source

Citations copied from a resource in your Verbum library are automatically hyperlinked back to that resource. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the desired text. This opens the Selection menu.

  2. Click the Add a note icon to open a new note anchored to your selected text.

Note: This note will appear in the Notebook you currently have open.

1 Click The Add A Note Icon


Anchor notes to references and resources

Notes can be anchored to numerous references and resources. Here’s how:

  1. Choose a note in the Notes tool.

  2. Select text in an open resource.

  3. Click + Add anchor in the relevant note.

  4. Choose Selected text, and then click Done.

2 Add Anchor To A Note


Anchor notes to specific Scripture references

You can also anchor notes to any number of specific Scripture references without having to select text in your Bible. Here’s how:

  1. Select the relevant note.

  2. Click + Add anchor.

  3. Click within the Reference box.

  4. Enter the verse(s).

  5. Select the passage you want from the dropdown.

  6. Click Done.

3 Anchor Note To Scripture Reference


Filter your displayed notes 

You can sort your notes according to a variety of filters such as Type (Notes or Highlights), Bible Book, ReferenceTags, and more.

  1. Expand the contents menu by clicking the Sidebar icon  .

  2. Ensure you're viewing filters (rather than notebooks) by clicking the Filters icon .

  3. Scroll down to the filter you want to use and make a selection within.

4 Filter Displayed Notes


See my notes and highlights in other Bible versions

With the Corresponding Notes and Highlights visual filter, you can display notes and highlights you've made on the same passage but in different Bibles.

  1. Open your Bible.

  2. Click the Visual filters icon .
  3. Scroll down to Notes and Highlights (Corresponding) and activate this visual filter by checking the box beside it. Make sure you've checked the desired notebook.

Enable Corresponding Notes And Highlights


Change the notebook to which a note is assigned

You can easily reassign any note to a different notebook. This is useful if you have created a new note without previously selecting the desired Notebook, as the new note will default to whichever Notebook is currently open. Here’s how:

  1. Open a note.

  2. Click the Set Notebook dropdown.

  3. Select the notebook you want the note to appear in. 

6 Assign Note To A Notebook


Search within your notes

Searching within notes is a straightforward process. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click in the Search bar near the top of the Notes panel.

  2. Type the parameters for whatever you wish to find.

  3. Results will be displayed immediately in the Notes list. 

7 Search Within Your Notes


With a few clicks, you can print or export notes in a notebook.

  1. Select a notebook to print/export all notes in the notebook, or select specific notes you wish to print/export.

  2. Click the Notes more actions icon Kebab Vertical icon.

  3. Select Print/Export, or simply use your keyboard commands as listed on the right-hand side.

  4. In the pop-up window that appears, further options for printing and exporting will appear.

8 Print Or Export Your Notes


Sort by biblical reference

When you sort your notes on a biblical book by reference, Verbum rearranges them by order within the book. This can be especially helpful when you have a lot of notes taken over an extended period. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Under Filters, scroll down to the Bible book submenu and select the desired book.

  2. Open the sorting options, and select by Reference.

9 Sort Notes By Biblical Reference

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