How do I change my billing information?

No matter if you’re shopping on,, or any other Verbum site, your billing information syncs automatically. While this means you can simply change your billing information from the shop you use most frequently, you can also edit your stored cards and associated billing addresses at

Change billing info

On the Billing Info page, you can add new credit cards, change the default card, and adjust the currency in which prices are displayed. While setting your default card applies to all Verbum stores, when you add multiple credit cards, you can always select which card is used for any purchase. So, if you want your Verbum purchases charged to one card and your Proclaim purchases charged to another, you can quickly and easily do that.

If you run into any trouble we’re happy to help. For answers to a variety of questions and training on Verbum products, visit the Verbum Help Center. And you can always contact us directly with any questions.

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