The Power Lookup tool displays the text associated with a selected type of reference, such as a footnote, in a secondary panel. The Power Lookup tool can be accessed from the Context menu, or from the Tools menu.
Context Menu
- Open the resource you want to study using the Library or Command box.
- Open the Context menu by right-clicking within a resource. Choose Selection, Reference, Lemma, or Root on the left side of the menu, and then click Power Lookup on the right side. Power Lookup will open in a new panel.
Tools Menu
- Open the resource you want to study using the Library or Command box.
- Click Tools > Lookup > Power Lookup, or type Power Lookup in the Find tools box and press Enter.
Using Power Lookup
By default, the Power Lookup tool will follow your primary resource panel. If it does not, click the Power Lookup panel menu icon and select Follow. (You can also assign Power Lookup to a specific Link Set).
Power Lookup displays the full text of references in your primary resource panel. This will look different depending on what kind of resource you are reading. For example, if your primary resource is a Bible, Power lookup will display the translation notes, cross references, etc. If your primary resource is a dictionary or commentary, Power Lookup will display the text of verses cited, footnotes, bibliographic information, and more.
Copy Power Lookup Content
You can easily copy content from the Power Lookup panel to your clipboard. To do so, click Copy in the Power Lookup toolbar. The contents of the Power Lookup panel will be copied to your clipboard.
Additional Resources
Verbum Help: Power Lookup