Program Settings affect the behavior of Verbum as a whole, rather than individual books or tools.
Most of the settings are Yes/No toggles that take instant effect. You do not need to save the changes, but a restart is required for some changes to take effect (e.g. changing the language). For more detailed information on any setting, hover over the option you want more details about and click the help icon that appears.
You can easily customize your Verbum preferences. There are three ways to do this:
Click Tools > Utilities > Program Settings
Type program settings in the Command box and select the Show program settings option
Access them from the Panel menu
Some of the most frequently changed settings are described below.
- Application Toolbar Location allows you to choose whether you want the application toolbar displayed on the left or on the top of the screen. This does require the Starter Feature Upgrade or higher
- At Startup Open to allows you to set what happens when you open Verbum, whether to the Dashboard, a blank layout, or a layout of your choice. See the article on Layouts for more information.
- Citation Style allows you to select a bibliographic citation style from among the available options (ie. APA, Chicago Manual of Style, MLA, Turabian, etc.).
- Language determines the language of the program’s menus, interface, and so on. You must restart Verbum to implement any change. Note: This will change the system language, not languages within books.
- Show options (such as Show Alerts and Show Visual Cues) allow you to customize the way Verbum displays information and notifications within the program.
- Show Keyboard Selector determines whether or not a button is displayed to allow easy switching to Greek or Hebrew keyboards
- Show Help Cards determines if help cards are shown when opening a panel for the first three times (the Reset option allows this count to be reset and go back to the fresh installation state)
- Suggest Latin Lemmas enables auto-complete options for Latin lemmas
- Suggest Transliterated Lemmas enables auto-complete options for transliterated lemmas (note this is only used by BIblia Hebraica transcripta and related books).
- Content Scaling affects the size of text in all resources. To adjust the size of text within a specific resource, open that resource and click the Resource Panel icon
and drag the text size slider to the desired setting.
- Program Scaling changes the text size in menus.
- Resource Panel Background adjusts the shade and color of the background in resources only.
- If you are on a low-bandwidth or metered internet connection, adjust Automatically Start Downloads to choose when updates are downloaded and if the program will update automatically. Note: If you turn off automatic downloads, you will need to manually download updates as new books are added to your library. (To manually update Verbum, type update now into the Command box and press Enter.)
- If your computer is low on hard drive space, you can change the default setting to Download New Books to No. This will prevent your local installation from downloading newly added books. Note: You can manually download new books through the library. For more information on Cloud Books and manual book downloads, see this article.
- Show Community Ratings/Tags options toggle whether or not your Library books will display information provided by the wider Verbum user community.
Text Display
- Adjust the font and spacing settings to change how books are laid out and text is shown (except for text size — see Accessibility above)
- Double-Click and Triple-Click Action settings allow the user to modify what happens when they either double-click or triple-click a word. Options are Look up, Search, Search Inline or Select Word
- Text Selection determines text selection behavior:
- Character results in one character at a time being selected
- Word results in text selection snapping to word boundaries (this is the default)
- Smart results in text selection being snapped to "smart" text boundaries - phrase, verse, sentence and paragraph.
- Show Selection Menu controls whether or not the Selection Menu is shown when selecting text
- Prefer Lemmas determines whether the underlying lemma or the translated word in reverse interlinear Bibles is used when performing Look Up and Search on Double/Triple Click and other times
Transliteration Format
- Adjust these settings to change the way Verbum transliterates Greek, Hebrew, and Syriac. Transliteration is when a word from one language is written using the closest corresponding letters of another language.
Advanced Options
Enable Hardware Acceleration
This is a Windows-only setting and can be helpful to address some video issues and to enhance performance.
Hidden Books
- You can hide books you do not want to appear in your library.
Note: This does not delete the books and it is different from removing books from your local library using Cloud Books. - Contact Verbum Customer Support if you want to return a purchased book.
Additional Resources
- Open Program Settings in Verbum
- Verbum Help: Program Settings