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The Theology Guide collects and displays key information related to the major topics in systematic theology. It provides a brief introduction to each topic and links directly to your systematic theology resources.
Note: Unlike other Verbum guides which search your entire library, the Theology Guide provides a curated (not exhaustive) list of relevant biblical passages and recommended resources.
Using the Theology Guide
The Theology Guide is a great resource to get you started in researching any of the major topics in systematic theology. To access this helpful resource, click the Guides/Workflows icon , and select Theology Guide. By default, the Theology Guide is pinned to the top of the Guides/Workflows menu, so it should be easy to find.
Next, enter a theological topic (like The Trinity, Eucharist, or Mariology) in the search bar at the top of the Guide, and select from the options Verbum displays in the dropdown menu. These options offer refinements of the topic you’ve entered where they’re available. In the example below, Verbum helpfully offers six options when you enter trinity in the search box.
The first section you’ll see is the Topic section. This offers a graphic and excerpt from the Lexham Survey of Theology. The graphic displays where your entered topic fits within the larger categories of systematic theology (like The Holy Spirit and Salvation or The Person and Work of Christ). The excerpt offers the first few lines from the LST’s entry on that topic. Click More >> at the excerpt’s end to jump to that entry in the LST. The LST helps to get you oriented to the topic before you dig into the topic in earnest in the following sections.
Theologically Related Passages
The Theologically Related Passages section gives you a curated list of biblical passages that are relevant to your theological topic. Click Save as Passage List to create a passage list document containing the listed passages so you can add other passages to the list as you come across them in your studies.
Recommended Reading
In Recommended Reading you’ll find resources (some of which are not yet available in Verbum) that the author of that entry in the LST suggests for further reading. Resources with a cover image beside them are available in your Library, but those with a lock icon aren’t yet added to your Library. To purchase the resource or to learn more, simply click the resource hyperlink.
Systematic Theologies
Finally, the Systematic Theologies section provides links to all of the hand-curated sections of the systematic theology books in your Library that relate to the topic you’re studying. Quick access to these primary sources will save you a great deal of time as you study theological topics.