Visual Filters

Visual Filters augment the text of a resource to focus your attention on specific features in a resource. This article will demonstrate how you can access and apply existing Visual Filters from a resource’s Visual Filter menu. Learn more about creating custom visual filters.

Note: For instructions on using the Factbook visual filter which enables one-click access to Factbook articles, click here.

Note: This feature is available to all users.


Access Visual Filters

  1. Open the resource you want to study.
  2. Click the Visual Filters icon Visual Filters icon in the panel toolbar. Available filters are listed in categories.

    Visual Filters Categories

    Note: Available Visual Filters will vary depending on the type of resource you are using. In this example, we will use the Lexham English Bible.

  3. Check the box next to the listed Visual Filter to apply this to the text.
    Select Visual Filter Options


Visual Filter Types

Visual Filters Categories


  • Corresponding text in other books — Provides options to show where you have corresponding text selected in other books, or where search results are present in the current passage 
    Corresponding Text Filter


  • Emphasize — Provides options to show where words are repeated in the current passage, where a lexicon is open to a word in this passage or where multiple users have added highlights to words or phrases in this passage
    Emphasize Filter


  • Markers — Provides options to show addresses or speakers associated with dialogue in the current passage.
    Markers Filter


  • Media on this passage — Provides options to displays media icons when media, including associated Atlas entries, exists for the text. You can use this to quickly create slides for a sermon or for social media posts.
    Media Filter


  • Notes and Highlights — Provides options to displays note icons and highlights where they have been added to text. You can use this filter to show these notes or highlights or turn them off without deleting them.
    Notes And Highlights Filter


  • Notes and Highlights (Corresponding) — Provides options to displays corresponding notes and highlights you’ve made in other books. Use this filter to display a note or highlight made on the same passage but in a different bible.
    Notes And Highlights (Corresponding) Filter


  • Passage Lists — Lists your Passage List documents, and selecting one applies a filter to the Bible listing only the passages from the document, similar to the Inline Search display.
    Passage Lists Filter


  • Reading Plans — Entries here can be used to toggle the display of starting and stopping points in your Reading Plans.
    Reading Plans Filter


  • Reformat — Provides options to change the way the text is displayed including layout of the biblical text, application of Hebrew or Greek discourse features or showing propositional outlines for the text
    Reformat Filter


  • Visual Filters — Provides options for highlighting text in a book according to a Visual Filter document you’ve created. Learn more about custom visual filters.
    Visual Filters Filter


Example Visual Filters

The User Education team has created a variety of original language visual filters available to all Verbum users. You can add any of these to your personal Verbum Documents and customize them to fit your needs.


1. Filter all Public Documents by Visual Filters.

Click the Documents icon Documents icon and select the Public tab to view all publicly-shared Verbum Documents. Select Visual Filter under Type. (If you don’t see the filter menu, click the Sidebar icon Hamburger icon to show the filter panel.)

View Public Visual Filter Documents


2. Filter by author.

Click User Ed under the Author category to filter all Visual Filters to show only those created by the User Education Team.

Select User Ed Visual Filters


3. Add any filter(s) to your Verbum Documents.

Select a filter and choose Add to your docs above the documents list, or right-click on any visual filter and click Add to your docs.

Add Visual Filter To Your Docs

Note: To add multiple visual filter documents at the same time, select multiple visual filters (hold Shift and select a list of sequential filters or Cmd (macOS) or Ctrl (Windows) and click non-adjacent filters) and click Add to your docs above the menu or right-click on your selection and choose Add to your docs.

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