Missing Resources | Desktop

What to Do If You Are Missing Resources from Your Verbum Library

Verbum Bible Software is designed to automatically detect and download any missing resources from your library. There are various circumstances where this may not occur. The following articles will help you troubleshoot missing resources.

Tip: Update & Restart Verbum
Be sure to update to the latest version of Verbum before attempting any other solutions.
After downloading a resource or update, Verbum must be restarted to install the necessary files and begin indexing. If you haven't restarted Verbum yet, try that first.

Tip: Search by Title or Author in "Entire Library"
Try searching for the missing book by Title or Author. Some resources may not be listed by the name of the collection they were sold under, but they will always be listed by their author and resource title. Also, be sure to set facet filter in the Navigation Drawer Hamburger.svg in the top-left corner to "All".

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