We work hard to ensure the installation process for Verbum is as smooth and trouble-free as possible. However, it is possible you may encounter certain problems during the installation or download process, usually because a computer is not configured correctly. Things like missing Microsoft or Windows updates, components, and some security settings can prevent Verbum from installing or updating correctly. You may not be aware of these issues until the error occurs.
This article will attempt to guide you through resolving these issues. Please read through the common errors below and choose the option which best fits your situation.
Tip: Be sure to verify that your computer meets Verbum's minimum system requirements when having problems installing.
Possible Issues:
"Error writing to file C:\..."
May occur when Windows Account permissions are misconfigured. -
"Unable to download a required file."
Most often caused by a firewall or security program. -
"The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource"Or, "Another version of this product is already installed"
This may occur if the Verbum installer keys are damaged or duplicated somehow. -
"Installation of ________ did not succeed."
May occur if Windows Installer is busy or misconfigured. -
Warning 1946
Non-critical error updating shortcuts. -
"Installation of Microsoft .NET Framework did not succeed."
A critical Windows component has not installed that Logos needs to install and run properly. -
Unable to create or save in the folder into which. . ."
This message appears when AOL Fortress is installed.
If you encounter an error not covered on this page, please contact support for further assistance.
If you encounter an error not covered on this page, please contact support for further assistance.
Detailed Installation Instructions: Mac | Windows
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